More Than Food Consulting was launched in August 2022. Our mission is to advance organizational and systems change in the charitable food network to ensure people have economic and nutrition security.
Because it takes more than food to end hunger.
We provide services and conduct research to encourage better practices in the approach to tackling food insecurity. We serve as a resource for innovative, research-based solutions that transform food banks and food pantries. Throughout our projects, we use the following Strategies:
Project design, implementation and evaluation
Hourly technical assistance
Sharing practical resources
Facilitated peer learning calls
Presentations & Visioning sessions
Trainings on better practices
Check out Katie’s Book for Inspiration
Themes from Katie Martin’s book Reinventing Food Banks and Pantries help inform the work of More Than Food Consulting. In her book, Katie argues that if handing out more and more food was the answer, we would have solved the problem of hunger decades ago. Katie instead presents a new model for charitable food, one where success is measured not by pounds of food distributed but by lives changed. The key is to focus on the root causes of hunger. When we shift our attention to strategies that build empathy, equity, and political will, we can implement real solutions.
Free Resource for Food Pantries
The Guide to Offering More Than Food in Pantries, written by Katie Martin, Founder and CEO of More Than Food Consulting and Jessica Sanderson, Associate Executive Director of Programs for Urban Alliance is now available. This guide introduces the More Than Food framework, offering practical steps for food pantries to adopt a holistic approach by fostering a welcoming culture, promoting healthy choices with dignity, and connecting guests to community resources for long-term stability and financial well-being.
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